What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll “liquid sunshine” is the protein in plant life, and closely resembles the molecules of human red blood cells. By taking a percentage of green foods and juices every day, you are adding vital nutrients such as minerals, enzymes, vitamins, oxygen, and protein to your blood. Nature uses chlorophyll as a body cleanser, re-builder and neutralizer of toxins and it may even play an important role in prevention of certain cancers.
Benefits of chlorophyll
Purifying: Chlorophyll is a natural antiseptic with anti-bacterial effect on wounds, and has an anti-yeast effect in the digestive tract, helping with candida challenges.
Anti-Inflammatory: Chlorophyll assists in reducing inflammation. It can be used to help counteract the effects of arthritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, sore throats, and other inflammatory conditions.
Nourishing: Chlorophyll builds blood, promotes healthy intestinal flora, and assists in liver cleansing.