Wheatgrass Powder

Traditionally, Wheatgrass is known to be taken in juice form. In today’s modern life most individuals are lacking time, space, manpower and know-how of growing Wheatgrass. It is difficult to transport fresh Wheatgrass economically everyday to far off places as it has very less shelf life.
At this junction, making the availability of Wheatgrass in Powder form has proven to be very convenient and effective.

Our Wheatgrass Powder is obtained by dehydrating fresh Wheatgrass indoors (without using any mechanism) and then grinded into fine Powder. Utmost care is taken to avoid heating and friction, which may evaporate or reduce the important nutrients. Maximize nutrients including dietary fiber are thus retained in the Wheatgrass Powder.

Wheatgrass Powder is available in 100 g packing required for a month. fgfg
Consume minimum 1 Tsp (about 3 g) a day and increase as per body acceptance.
Do not have any food for half an hour before and after consumption.
A few drops of honey may be added to enhance taste.
 A. Normal people (For generally well being and rejuvenation).
One tsp. (about 3 g) Powder in the morning continuously for a month.
Repeat the course after a gap of every six months. It will help overcome nutrition deficiencies and thus maintain good health.
 B. Other Health Problems  & Weight Loss.
First 5 days - 1 tsp in morning.
6th to 10th day - 1 tsp in morning and evening.
11th day onwards - 2 tsp. in morning and evening.
Wheatgrass Powder should be taken for at least 90 days or till satisfactory results are achieved.
Wheatgrass Powder therapy should accompany a good diet consisting of vegetables, soups, sprouts, green salads, fruits, juices, dry fruits, etc.
Bakery products, fried foods, sweets, spicy foods, overcooked food, non-veg, alcohol, etc. should be kept to a minimum .

Home Delivery available in Bangkok

For Further information Call : 085 1314767

Designed By Kitiphorn                                                                                                                 Copyright © 2009  Wheatgrass Bangkok. All rights reserved.